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Smarticle by Violette

(to the tune of "Popular" by Galinda/Kristin Chenoweth)

Whenever I see someone more popular than I--admit it, who isn't more popular than I?--my great big brain goes to start and think...
That when someone needs an A+ or when someone needs to be gooder, I think I know exactly what they neeeeeeed...
And in this occurence, which is the difficultest, I'll confess, don't anguish, I'm resolved in succeeding! Follow my cue, and yes, oh you. You'll be a smarticle.

You're gonna be smarticle. I'll teach you the way to add so you won't get mad when they say you got it wrong, ooh! I'll teach you the formulas, how to graph them all, and everything that really counts to be smarticle.
I'll help you be smarticle! You'll work where the geek squad works, very hard at work, just not at Best Buy, though! So begin, you've got a lot of A's to go...

Don't be offended by my great old theory; think of it as my lil' grading diary, you'll choose me as your smart student aide, a friend slash advisor, there's nobody wiser--not when it comes to smarticle. Just-like-you'll-be smarticle! And with support from me to be who you'll be, instead of stupic popular-cle. Nothing will stop you from becoming smartilar-cle.

Kla, kla...Kla, kla...Going to make you smarticle.

When I see a dumb old student without A's because they're stupid, I remind them for their benefit to wonder: Why'd you bother socializing, rather than just go studying? Do we have looks and beauty? Dont make me snort!!!

We are SMARTICLES! Geez! It's all about smarticles. You can do hangman, too, as well as you'll do very, very good indeed! Very, very smarticle like me!

[spoken}Well, look at that...straight A's!

No; that's your report card.

Oh. Anyway...

[sung}And if you should test my intelligence, I know know you thoroughly...you're gonna grin and bear it, how you grew academically!

Kla, kla....Kla, kla!!!

You're a smarticle; just not quite as smarticle as MEEEE!!

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