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(oh, and I'm on a different laptop which doesn't have a SINGLE picture on it so sorry![btw this is Charlotte]) Umm. Well. Hi! We haven't blogged in like FOR-EVVV-ERRRRRR but that's the way it usually is, right? Right. Glad we're on the same page here. (eww I don't like that phrase.) Ya know, who makes all of those random phrases up? The ones that KINDA make sense, but they're like metaphors or one of those other english-y things. I wonder if they used to be literal! Haha yeah so one guy is reading a book, and he calls his friend up who is reading the same book and the first dude is like, "I'm on page 511, wbu?" and the second one is like, "Oh EM GEE ME TOO!!" and then "Well, I'm glad we're on the same page." :D Yep. I bet that's it. And now we're running around changing the meaning of things JUSSST to make less sense of our language. So! Well there's that movie that's out right now, Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief, and I read the books (whoops still reading, I need to get the fourth one) and I saw the movie, and it was good... The book was better but, that always happens. Yeah. Hmm. I'm gonna invent a new word! Uhh.... Plirtificious. Pronounced: (plurr-TIF-ick-iss) It means something along the lines of small, insignificant, common danger. Like: "Oh no, Johnny! Don't eat that marshmallow, you might choke!" or "Mary Sue, you know better than to use a toothpick! What if your hand slips, and you cut off your tongue!" Heeehahaa I'm gonna try to use that in conversation and see how many people I can confuse. 

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