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watch. it. ya just gotta laugh.

it's Fallon impersonating pattinson. (and i have no clue why i'm using their last names.)

...because you just might get it.
at the wrong time.

this stinks. since the seventh grade, i always looked at the people who had notes for very minor injuries that excused them from PE class, and wanted that. they didnt have huge harm; they were just sick or had a bruise on their leg or something.

well, in PE we are now playing volleyball, and or course i wanted to playyy! i dont care how much i stink at the sport, it makes me energeticccc and look stupid in a funny way!!! i was having so much fun and i was actually [kinda] playing, then my stupid finger got in the way and the volleyball pushed it against my handd!!

why couldnt this happen when we were playing football or something? jeeeeeez.
and so now i probably cant play any more volleyball, because my finger is bruised and swelling and it hurts to bend it!!!

but thank goodness it wasnt my right hand, because, in the words of my friend, "The world would suffer if it was deprived of your drawing skillllllz."
and after she said that, she suddenly burst out in a "OMIGOSHHH I SOUND LIKE A FREAKIN EINSTEIN!!!!!!"
nott anymore.

but at least i can still type?

Listen to: The Lining is Silver-- Relient K

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I need to read something. and no, I'm not talking about scanning-thru-a history-book-taking-notes or reading-two-novels-and-highlighting-as-I-go-along kind of reading I want to REALLY read. as in, read a book of my choice, it being my desicion.

see? my lack of reading just caused me to spell 'decision' wrong!

I just read thru our old blogs, and dang, they were so much better than the ones I write now! the ones now have too much "fluff" and seem kinda pointless to me. I want to get back into my old writing style, whether my English teacher likes it or not!

oh && I just finished watching hsm3, ahhah. I feel like a little kid. 
but I actually kind liked this one. (keyword: kinda) and it made me realize how much I would miss everyone and everything when I graduate from hs. I'm a freshman now, and it may seem far away, but graduating is just getting closer and closer and I don't like it. I don't like goodbyes and farewells and au revoirs...and change, no matter how good it may be. so I don't really want high school to end.

and now I'm getting all deep because of high school musical. argh, disney channel is taking over my minddd!!!

Listen to: Melody-- Kate Earl

I am so shocked at myself...I actually finished my homework before 6 today! zzzamazingg.

PLUS. no one knew this except Charlotte, I kept it a secret... but I was working on a new neopets site. since about last November. I cannot 
beleive how long it took me to do, but school and vacation got in the way ANd I finally put it up on the 20th! you can find it at http://www.neopets.com/~honeybird1995. I made it because I was so tired of seeing sites that close down a month after they open up. so I developed this site, encouraging people to make their site more successful (hence site name 'Success').

wells, what's going on at my high school is nothing so interesting. everyone hates my favorite teachers, which I hate, because for some reason, I just really don't like it when people make fun of their teachers and talk about them behind their backs. it's just sad. this year, my English and history teachers are my favorites. I have already learned so much from them!

I take an extra class called graphic arts, and you'd think I love it, but it is the most boring class in the worrrrld. well, for me it is. 
all the other people in my class are so amazed at what photoshop can do to pictures, they're all like, "OMGGGG THE PICTURE JUST TURNED 
BLACK AND WHITEE!!! and I just made the yellow flower orangeee!" yeah, I don't get amazed really easily. if there is one thing that I really get amazed at, and I mean REALLY amazed, it's the artworks of 
all my favorite artists. it's beautiful, and amazing is officially the best word I can ever use to describe something. so if I call something 
amazing, it's the best of theeeee best. I forgot how much I loved looking at art and photography, but then I went to an art gallery on Saturday and I had a better appreciation for paintings and rediscovered my love for graphic arts and photography [and dA!}. and so I want to start drawing again.

i think it just sucks to be a night person, because to me that means that all my good ideas come to me when the lights are off and I'm in 
bed and it's 12:15. so I just try my HARDEST to try and remember my ideas so when I get up. but I am just one of those people who can't 
put their ideas onto a tangible thing. maybe because my hand is now callused from homework and my Photoshop version dates back to about 
1792BC. I need new Photoshop!!

Listen to: Whatcha Say--Jeson DeRulo

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