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I've been tagged... Here we go!

1. Why did you choose (your site’s name)?
Uhh technically Vils did and I said ,"Ok that sounds cool!"

2. What is your favorite color combination so far?.
I can't decide... I used to like pink/black or pink/green, but I kind of like black/grey/pinkorred.

3. Who is your favorite friend online? Why?
Violette! Or my friend who's name shall not be discussed. :)

4. Who is your favorite chatmate?
I don't chat..
5. How many pets did you have since birth?
Ummm... 2 dogs, more than 5 fish, ohh that's it.

6. Do you have best friend?
Uhh well Candy! I've known her FOREVER.

7. Have you ever been the 'new kid'?
Yeah a LOT.

8. What was your feeling?
Freaked out! Big time! Like "AAAAH I DONT WANNA GO TO SCHOOL!"
10. Where did you came from (country)?
Uhh California?? (vils put that but it's not a country..)

11. Then what’s the nationality?
A giant mixture of Nicaraguan, English, Dutch, German, Irish, and a few other European countries.

12. What’s the official language?
Spanish, Enclish, Unknown, German, Unknown and other.

13. How many languages can you speak? What are they?
one and a half too! I speak english but can kinda understand spanish..
14. What’s your hairstyle?
I just woke up; trust me, it isn't pretty.

15. What’s your beauty style?
No makeup is my style! :)

16. What’s your clothing style?
I really don't know Vi says its Charlotte-ish but I don't know.

17. Anything else you want to say?

Of course!! (I shall not be silenced!!) Happy May 24! :D (random? who, me?)


It's Earth Day! Do the planet a favor. Recycle. Save energy. Don't waste water. (water is not energy technically.) Don't waste paper, plastic, you know. I'd like the Earth to stil be life-sustainable (if that isn't a word, I just made it into one) for MANY more years. I'm talkin' thousands, if not millions of years. And by how much we've been ruining the world lately, it won't last that long. Unless we change our habits. Think about it! Do it! Thank you! :D Happy Earth Day. :)


This is the tag that i was talking about in the last post. I changed some of the questions. The people I tagged are listed at the end! Have funn. xD

- You will tag this to as many people as you want [more than 2}
- When the tagging reached to a person named “BoBo”, the tagging will stop.
- Answer the questions HONESTLY and have fun.

1. Why did you choose (your site’s name)?
because we couldn't think of anything else, so i was like, "NAMELESS!!!!"

2. What is your favorite color combination so far?
ummm abt 2 years ago i had this crazy obsession with lt. blue and brown! but now i like anything that looks nice at the moment.

3. Who is your favorite friend online? Why?
ummm charlotte? no one else goes online as often as she does, srsly!

4. Who is your favorite chatmate?
i usually chat with frances.
5. How many pets did you have since birth?
umm i had 4 dogs [tho i'm not a dog person. or a cat person...}, 2 turtles, and about 435897349587834958723489 fish.

6. Do you have best friend?
i dont rlly know. i have a group of friends! and no, i will not list them.

7. Have you ever been the 'new kid'?
chaaaah! like, 3 times?

8. What was your feeling?
not even nervous. i mean, i'm not a socializer, but i knew i was gonna get to meet someone once i was in class! and i did! :D
10. Where did you came from (country)?
OhMyGosh, bad grammarrrrrrrr! ew. well, i am from SoCal.

11. Then what’s the nationality?
i am half filipino, one-fourth chinese, and one-fourth japanese.

12. What’s the official language?
umm tagalog, chinese, and japanese; respectively.

13. How many languages can you speak? What are they?
one and a half. english, and can understand tagalog.
14. What’s your hairstyle?
right now?? side bangs, half-half hairdo. black color.

15. What’s your beauty style?
i don't do makeup except on special occasions.

16. What’s your clothing style?
violette-ish, apparently.

17. Anything else you want to say?
ooh, ummm. i'm tagging charlotte, lisa/shadow, andd....YOUUUU! comment if you read this and posted your tag somewhere, yeah? xD


YES! my internet is now fast! not super-fast, but it's good. WAY better, thanks to the internet verizon guy that came over here when i was at school.

well, i got to visit swimchick.net now that i had fast connection since, like, 3 weeks ago. then i looked at the comments in one of her blogs, and i went to one of the sites of the people who commented.she got tagged in her blog, && so i was like, "HEYY! I should start a tagging session on our blog!"

only i don't know many site owners. none, actually [well, not personally} soo i'm just gonna tag some people i know...it'll be shown above.


what most people dont know is that the thing you use to go on websites is called the ethernet, not internet. internet is the name of the browser that most people use to surf the ethernet, so that's why most people think it's the internet.

anyway, my ethernet router is acting really slow, and i cant get it to be fast until we get a new router/modem. and it takes about 5 minutes to load a page. >:/

and slow connection is about 99% of why i dont blog as much right now. the other 1% is because i'm busy w/ school stuff. yes, like most other students at this time of the year, school is also sucking the time out of my life. but it's all good. it'll stop by the end of the month, because that's when projects are due. :) YAYY. [we're gonna have a huge anonyme-style celebration with fireworks and pie-eating contests, ahha. but not really...}


yesterday, i went over to the Annenberg Space for Photography, which is across the street from the Century City mall[in LA}. i LOVE it! it's a small building[located just outside a big building}, but i love how modern and simple the space is.

I have never had a favorite photographer before, but now i do. more than one, actually. their names are Julius Schulman and Tim Street-Porter. They both like to photograph modern architecture in Los Angeles [all the photographers featured are LA-based}.

What was also cool when i went there was that they had these two Microsoft touch-screen things [i forgot what the program was called} that had all the featured artists' photography in it. it was flat on the table, kinda like the ones in 007: Quantum of Solace or The Day the Earth Stood Still

EXCEPT I didnt get to use them because these two dumb 3-year-olds wouldn't go away!!!!! and their parents are right there, watching them, and they saw like 5 people waiting for their turn at the touch-screen, but they didn't do anything about their kids! those kids just wanted touch the thing, not actually look at the art! so then i just decided not to wait and come back later.

guess what happened?? when i came back, those two kids were there again!!! then when their parents told them to go look around, they just stayed, and their parents did NOTHING!!!!

so then i left and took pictures outside, because you werent allowed to take any inside. oh well. at least admission was free and parking was only $1. i might come back. i hope! :D


Heehee okay I changed my mind. Dancing is fun! (and a good workout. Phew! I'm sore!) Okay the Jitterbug is AWESOME. Search up a move called the "pancake" and see if there's a video. It looks so. Cool. (And hard, so I'm glad I'm not doing it! ;D ). And the tango (still iffy about if I like it or not) has a cool vibe to it. It's all... Spanish-ey. Oh! Back to Jitterbug! I learned how to do a move called the "arm-breaker" and it doesn't break your arm, [hah duh] but it does kinda hurt if you don't do it right. Well, there's MY rant for the day and uhhh happy Easter if you celebrate it! Oh no we have school on Monday... No... Okay bye. :(


Okay, this really is a test blog for me, because it's my first one.. =D Thank you Vils for the awesome avatar! Its so preeeety..... Vils talked about yearbook, but it's spring break so I have nothing I can say... Except that I don't like dancing. Yeah. Well I'll be back eventually. (and I might actually say something important. *gasp* no way!) Okay, bye! 


kay. so you guys might know that i'm in the yearbook club for school. i went over today to work on some pages(even tho it's spring break), and me and my fellow editors [including anonyme staff member roxy} had a little 'photoshoot.' it. was. fun. even though it only lasted, like, 10 minutes.

the advisor/teacher person had some solid-colored shirts lying around that said some things like 'be responsible!' or 'follow the golden rule!' on them. [they're sold by the school, and it's like the theme of the year or something to be responsible, respectful, and fair. they're like the words of the day every day of the year.} so we were like, "PHOTOSHOOT!!!!"

so we put on the shirts. there was red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. roxy practically grabbed the purple one, her cousin got the red, this girl named jenn got green, and i gots yellow! (yeah, it was barney and ketchup and mustard) so we posed and took action shots and pretended to fall off the stairs.

then we went inside to look at the photos, and my poses were all cheesy, and on all the action shots, i was looking down[i'm not good with stairs...}. but w/e. i didnt hate any of them, thank goodness.


Okay. So on March 13th, neopets added new filters to the petpages. not sure if there are also filters on other stuff, like uls and guild lyts. BUT i'm rlly busy with requests, and i HAVE to get this done!!!!!! arrrrrgh. spring break is really busy for me...

If anyone knows how to get past these new filters, pls use our contact page or nm me on my neopets acct @ starpbl.

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