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this blog was started off from reading the latest from my favorite blog, which i can;t beleive i've ever posted up here before. it's at swimchick.net.

let me start off by posting the song and graphic, because i'll be too distracted at the end of this post to remember to put it up.

Listen to: Like Me --Girlicious

okay, now that this is over with, let's talk about this blog. it's pretty long.

i feel the same way about these people. people who have no respect for others are the worst people who can live. i have had encounters with some people [mainly the seventh graders in our school} who are severely disrespectful, and don't care about others' property or feelings. some of them just steal thing just for the heck of it, and go out of their own way to vandalize other people's posters and whatnot. i'm pretty sure that they wouldnt like it if someone tore down something they worked hard on, so why do that to others?

i know that people just want to have fun, but i think that there is always a point where it's too much. doing something wrong just because you're bored is so amazingly lame, in my opinion. being loud and creating a bad stereotype for other people who are in the same category as yourself is irresponsible. cussing and swearing just because you THINK it makes you seem cool is completely wrong, and continuously asking favors of someone you never even do favors for is inconsiderate.

yeah, i've met some people like that. in the past, and in the present, at our school.

another thing that bugs me is when people put out insults to someone who they barely even know, and after a couple of seconds, pulls out that "just kidding!" line from out of their hat of annoying sayings, which never goes empty. ATTENTION: saying the words "JUST KIDDING!" after something that hurts someone's feelings doesnt fix anything, it only makes things worse. i knew one girl who always said stuff like that:

"You're ugly...just kidding!"

"Ew, you like that?? ...just kidding!"

"That *article of clothing here* looks really weird...just kidding!"

"You're so stupid...just kidding!"

"You have such a bad taste! ...JUST KIDDINGGGGG!"

all from one girl, who completely ruins my day by just being there. luckily, i moved away to another school, destined to never see her again. woot, party! she was self-centered, too:

"Oh my goshh, these shoes look so much better on me than on youuu!!!"

"Ew, you do that horribly. Here, let me do it."

"AWWWW, can't I PLEASE just have *something better than another thing*? You can have it next time! Anyways, I deserve it more!"

to say that stuff to someone's face is absolutely appaling to me. whining is stupid, too. [that sounds pretty self-contradicting, since i'm ranting right now...}

if this is what the world is coming to; full of disrespect and inconsiderate-ness [is there another word for that?}, then no wonder people think that this world is going to end! it might actually be better turning out that way.

i just realized that i didnt post a graphic and song on the last blog. D: but no biggie. i'll post two of each right nowww!!!

i'm watching snl atm. it;s a replay, but i really like this episode. it;s the one with justin timberlake and ciara.

the yearbook is finally done, and i got a chance to see the run sheets, which was cool. except i got home at 8:14 last night [errr...two days ago. it's now sunday.} and we got our shirts!!!! woot!

The random one was by me, inspired by our very own charlotte! she said that to me in an email after i said something about bananas, i think...

Listen to: Medicine Man --The Hush Sound; Major Tom --Shiny Toy Guns

I don't think I've ever posted my neopets sites on this website! Weird, especially since it takes upp abt 50% of my time. Hah.

Well, I have a graphics/request site, called UltraViolette Designs. The other one is a petpage directory called .dot Helpfuls.

I'm pretty proud of them, especially considering how lazy i am and how much time i don't have. well, go visit them if you'd like to!

Listen to: The Garden --Mirah


so. nothing to post right now, not really. umm. charlotte's opening night is tmrw! yeah. she's in a play, and i probably just made her nervous by mentioning this...

happy mother's day to all moms out there!!! i really think that moms and dads should have more than 1 day for every year...they take care of the kids, and children's day is every day! ah well. i was gonna make an animated blinkie, but i forgot to , since my baby cousins came over on mother's day. yeah.

ummm i still havent done those big updates on the guild yet. i'll do that as soon as possible.

ack. nothing exciting to post. except today, i had to tour about 9 parents around our school, since their kids are going to come to our school next year [we're in 8th grade, if you didnt know}. i toured them around the school with roxy, also in our anonyme staff. it was fun. except when break came, and a bunch of kids were running into the parents in our group. hahah


you know our guild on neopets? yeah, i'm gonna do some MAJOR updates on it asap. when i have time.

i was gonna keep this to myself, but then i figured that i'm gonna need as much help as possible for this thing. the guild is private atm, it will be for as long as i;m still working on it. if you feel like you want to help, neomail me and ask for an invite. my username is starpbl.

i'm thinking we put people in teams. we put together a bunch of games, and we have a...quarterly prize for the winning team. everything will be worth points, so you can get competitive. just don;t do anything that'll get you reported. i hope a lot of people will come and join! [punishments for mini-games will be that the loser will go to guild boards and advertise 3 times on 3 different boards}

i'll also need some petpages to put in some onsite news. if anyone wants to help neomail me!!!


I've been tagged... Here we go!

1. Why did you choose (your site’s name)?
Uhh technically Vils did and I said ,"Ok that sounds cool!"

2. What is your favorite color combination so far?.
I can't decide... I used to like pink/black or pink/green, but I kind of like black/grey/pinkorred.

3. Who is your favorite friend online? Why?
Violette! Or my friend who's name shall not be discussed. :)

4. Who is your favorite chatmate?
I don't chat..
5. How many pets did you have since birth?
Ummm... 2 dogs, more than 5 fish, ohh that's it.

6. Do you have best friend?
Uhh well Candy! I've known her FOREVER.

7. Have you ever been the 'new kid'?
Yeah a LOT.

8. What was your feeling?
Freaked out! Big time! Like "AAAAH I DONT WANNA GO TO SCHOOL!"
10. Where did you came from (country)?
Uhh California?? (vils put that but it's not a country..)

11. Then what’s the nationality?
A giant mixture of Nicaraguan, English, Dutch, German, Irish, and a few other European countries.

12. What’s the official language?
Spanish, Enclish, Unknown, German, Unknown and other.

13. How many languages can you speak? What are they?
one and a half too! I speak english but can kinda understand spanish..
14. What’s your hairstyle?
I just woke up; trust me, it isn't pretty.

15. What’s your beauty style?
No makeup is my style! :)

16. What’s your clothing style?
I really don't know Vi says its Charlotte-ish but I don't know.

17. Anything else you want to say?

Of course!! (I shall not be silenced!!) Happy May 24! :D (random? who, me?)


This is the tag that i was talking about in the last post. I changed some of the questions. The people I tagged are listed at the end! Have funn. xD

- You will tag this to as many people as you want [more than 2}
- When the tagging reached to a person named “BoBo”, the tagging will stop.
- Answer the questions HONESTLY and have fun.

1. Why did you choose (your site’s name)?
because we couldn't think of anything else, so i was like, "NAMELESS!!!!"

2. What is your favorite color combination so far?
ummm abt 2 years ago i had this crazy obsession with lt. blue and brown! but now i like anything that looks nice at the moment.

3. Who is your favorite friend online? Why?
ummm charlotte? no one else goes online as often as she does, srsly!

4. Who is your favorite chatmate?
i usually chat with frances.
5. How many pets did you have since birth?
umm i had 4 dogs [tho i'm not a dog person. or a cat person...}, 2 turtles, and about 435897349587834958723489 fish.

6. Do you have best friend?
i dont rlly know. i have a group of friends! and no, i will not list them.

7. Have you ever been the 'new kid'?
chaaaah! like, 3 times?

8. What was your feeling?
not even nervous. i mean, i'm not a socializer, but i knew i was gonna get to meet someone once i was in class! and i did! :D
10. Where did you came from (country)?
OhMyGosh, bad grammarrrrrrrr! ew. well, i am from SoCal.

11. Then what’s the nationality?
i am half filipino, one-fourth chinese, and one-fourth japanese.

12. What’s the official language?
umm tagalog, chinese, and japanese; respectively.

13. How many languages can you speak? What are they?
one and a half. english, and can understand tagalog.
14. What’s your hairstyle?
right now?? side bangs, half-half hairdo. black color.

15. What’s your beauty style?
i don't do makeup except on special occasions.

16. What’s your clothing style?
violette-ish, apparently.

17. Anything else you want to say?
ooh, ummm. i'm tagging charlotte, lisa/shadow, andd....YOUUUU! comment if you read this and posted your tag somewhere, yeah? xD


YES! my internet is now fast! not super-fast, but it's good. WAY better, thanks to the internet verizon guy that came over here when i was at school.

well, i got to visit swimchick.net now that i had fast connection since, like, 3 weeks ago. then i looked at the comments in one of her blogs, and i went to one of the sites of the people who commented.she got tagged in her blog, && so i was like, "HEYY! I should start a tagging session on our blog!"

only i don't know many site owners. none, actually [well, not personally} soo i'm just gonna tag some people i know...it'll be shown above.

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