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I don't think I've ever posted my neopets sites on this website! Weird, especially since it takes upp abt 50% of my time. Hah.

Well, I have a graphics/request site, called UltraViolette Designs. The other one is a petpage directory called .dot Helpfuls.

I'm pretty proud of them, especially considering how lazy i am and how much time i don't have. well, go visit them if you'd like to!

Listen to: The Garden --Mirah


so. nothing to post right now, not really. umm. charlotte's opening night is tmrw! yeah. she's in a play, and i probably just made her nervous by mentioning this...

happy mother's day to all moms out there!!! i really think that moms and dads should have more than 1 day for every year...they take care of the kids, and children's day is every day! ah well. i was gonna make an animated blinkie, but i forgot to , since my baby cousins came over on mother's day. yeah.

ummm i still havent done those big updates on the guild yet. i'll do that as soon as possible.

ack. nothing exciting to post. except today, i had to tour about 9 parents around our school, since their kids are going to come to our school next year [we're in 8th grade, if you didnt know}. i toured them around the school with roxy, also in our anonyme staff. it was fun. except when break came, and a bunch of kids were running into the parents in our group. hahah


you know our guild on neopets? yeah, i'm gonna do some MAJOR updates on it asap. when i have time.

i was gonna keep this to myself, but then i figured that i'm gonna need as much help as possible for this thing. the guild is private atm, it will be for as long as i;m still working on it. if you feel like you want to help, neomail me and ask for an invite. my username is starpbl.

i'm thinking we put people in teams. we put together a bunch of games, and we have a...quarterly prize for the winning team. everything will be worth points, so you can get competitive. just don;t do anything that'll get you reported. i hope a lot of people will come and join! [punishments for mini-games will be that the loser will go to guild boards and advertise 3 times on 3 different boards}

i'll also need some petpages to put in some onsite news. if anyone wants to help neomail me!!!


Okay. So on March 13th, neopets added new filters to the petpages. not sure if there are also filters on other stuff, like uls and guild lyts. BUT i'm rlly busy with requests, and i HAVE to get this done!!!!!! arrrrrgh. spring break is really busy for me...

If anyone knows how to get past these new filters, pls use our contact page or nm me on my neopets acct @ starpbl.

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