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Hello, this is Charlotte. (sorry I'm my laptop and it doesn't have my picture or even paint to make a temporary one. so I found this one somewhere in my pics.) Woo! Winter break!!! The reason none of us have blogged lately is the crazy amount of homework and lack of freetime we have. Sorry! ANYWAY, oh! I read an awesome book series right now. :) They're called "The Mortal Instruments" and they are City of Bones, City of Ash(es?), and City of Glass. OMIGOSHHH they're really good... Our english teacher recommended them to our class, and I decided to read them. REALLY GOOD. Kind of like a mix between Harry Potter, Twlilght (If that made you not wanna read it, just wait a sec, kay?), and Evil Genius. Like this: 20% HP, 21% T, 15% EG,  46% its own. If you're a twi-hater, you should still read it. Trust me, it isn't "he was so beautiful I couldn't stop staring... he glitters... I could faint.." It's more like twilight because of the vamires and werewolves. OKAY, I'm done with that.
MMMMmmm my mom and I are gonna make cookies this week. That's just what has to be done in December, right? 'Cept that it's so HOT! What is the weather thinking, making it almost hot enough to wear shorts 5 days before Christmas?? Ugh. I was soooo looking forward to COLD weather! But that only lasted about a week. Ohhh well. And I'm sick. I would be more okay being sick if it were cold. Because then I could have hot chocolate and stuff, ya know? AND my dad has me on this crazy guilt trip because "ALL I (he) want for Christmas is for you to sing and play the piano to 'Imagine' by John Lennon at the family party" . I've been trying to get out of it... I don't even sing in front of my parents, let alone all the 58 people in my mom's side of the family!! But there are many things I could use to get out of it. 1. I'm sick. Hurts to swallow. *cough* *cough* See? 2. The party is at my uncle's house. I only have my giant kind-of-a-keyboard-except-the-fact-that-it's-huge keyboard, and my little portable one is being borrowed by our friends. DARN! ;D 3. Hmm. I thought I had a three. Oops! See! I'm losing my mind. That could be a three. No one wants some crazy person singing. *sigh* I think I'm still gonna have to do it though. Well, I think I should let my mom know I'm awake, cuz it's not normal for me to wake up at 10:30 on the 3rd day of vacation. Happy Holidays! I (might) tell you how the Christmas Eve party went. :/ Bye!


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