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you know our guild on neopets? yeah, i'm gonna do some MAJOR updates on it asap. when i have time.

i was gonna keep this to myself, but then i figured that i'm gonna need as much help as possible for this thing. the guild is private atm, it will be for as long as i;m still working on it. if you feel like you want to help, neomail me and ask for an invite. my username is starpbl.

i'm thinking we put people in teams. we put together a bunch of games, and we have a...quarterly prize for the winning team. everything will be worth points, so you can get competitive. just don;t do anything that'll get you reported. i hope a lot of people will come and join! [punishments for mini-games will be that the loser will go to guild boards and advertise 3 times on 3 different boards}

i'll also need some petpages to put in some onsite news. if anyone wants to help neomail me!!!


did anyone see the fight? it was pacqiao vs. hatton. filipino vs. british/english, respectively. i didn't watch it, and now i regret it.

everytime pacqiao has a fight, my aunt gets it on pay-per-view and we invite some relatives/family friends. so they were in the living room, me in the formal dining room doing photoshop[hahah, i was doing someone's facebook profile picture} and all of a sudden i hear them like, "AAH! NO! NO, MANNY!" then "YESSS! DO IT! THERE! YOU GOT IT!! YEAAAAAAAH!"

it's amazing how they can be so bipolar-ish when they watch boxing. after that they started chanting REALLY loudly, like "MANNY! MANNY! MANNY!" and "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!", both at the same time. it made my parents come out of the room [they also hide out in their room halfway thru the fights} and watch because it was the wildest they've ever been. i decided that i'd have the chance to watch the excitement after i finish my graphic. then the next thing i know, it's over. [knockout in the 2nd round} i heard them congratulating manny, so i went over to watch and wait for the replay, which they didn't play.

maybe i'll watch it on youtube or something.


kay. so you guys might know that i'm in the yearbook club for school. i went over today to work on some pages(even tho it's spring break), and me and my fellow editors [including anonyme staff member roxy} had a little 'photoshoot.' it. was. fun. even though it only lasted, like, 10 minutes.

the advisor/teacher person had some solid-colored shirts lying around that said some things like 'be responsible!' or 'follow the golden rule!' on them. [they're sold by the school, and it's like the theme of the year or something to be responsible, respectful, and fair. they're like the words of the day every day of the year.} so we were like, "PHOTOSHOOT!!!!"

so we put on the shirts. there was red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. roxy practically grabbed the purple one, her cousin got the red, this girl named jenn got green, and i gots yellow! (yeah, it was barney and ketchup and mustard) so we posed and took action shots and pretended to fall off the stairs.

then we went inside to look at the photos, and my poses were all cheesy, and on all the action shots, i was looking down[i'm not good with stairs...}. but w/e. i didnt hate any of them, thank goodness.

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